1st Edition 2018
Published: 08 May 2018

Inside Track

Changing of the guard
With forty-seven years as a Bell employee - thirty-four of those as the company’s group chief executive - this is my last Inside Track column before I hand over the CEO reins to Leon Goosen on 31 May 2018.
I take this opportunity to congratulate Leon on his appointment and have every confidence that he, together with senior management, will continue to guide Team Bell to its full potential.
With effect from 1 June 2018 I will be maintaining the Bell family linkages in my new role as non-executive chairman of the board. Our current chairman, John Barton, will remain on the board as a lead independent non-executive director and I thank him for his impeccable leadership and unwavering commitment to Bell.
One of the highlights of my career has been nurturing our all-important relationships, whether it be with customers, partners, dealers or suppliers. Key events and trade shows provide an important platform to network with all our stakeholders on a more social level.
Our stand at bauma CONEXPO AFRICA is a prime example of Bell Equipment putting its best foot forward and I congratulate the marketing and sales teams on a professional and impactful stand and interacting with visitors and customers throughout the show.
I have always looked forward to such occasions and I will continue to be a staunch Bell ambassador.
Gary Bell
Group Chief Executive

Bell flies the flag high at bauma CONEXPO AFRICA 2018 - P4
Bell Kamaz provides a win-win for customers and economy - P6
Maximum features on Bell Equipment’s new mini-excavators - P8
J & B Timbers expands its mechanisation with Matriarch Skogger - P10
E-series safety features impress Excavo Mining - P12
Bell TLB is a game changer for Radius Civil Contractors - P14
Bell ADT product knowledge gives McKenzie Plant confidence to invest in B45Es - P16
Walvis Bay Salt Refiners invests in Bell Grader to improve efficiencies - P17
Pre-owned Bells sparkle for TLC on Lesotho diamond mining project - P20
Bell Loggers prove legendary for Africa Biomass Company - P24
Dig B Plant Hire ‘digs’ its Bell machines - P26
Windhoek Renovations meets the plant hire needs of massive Neckartal Dam project - P28
Burma introduce first Bell B45Es on Kolomela Mine rehabilitation project - P32
EC Blaauw upgrades its Bell fleet to meet demand - P34
Camp Carriers has sweet success in Swaziland with UltECO 6 Slew Loader - P36
Bell Promo Shop - P38