Indonesian sugar operation sees huge benefits in UltECO6
Published: 12 February 2024
The first Bell UltECO6 4-WD Slew Loader arrived in Indonesia in late 2022 and has made a strong impact by bringing valuable advantages compared to competitor machines.
The machine belongs to PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara (formerly PTPN14), a government-owned agriculture company operating in the South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. It was sold by Bell Equipment’s Singaporean-based dealer, Maximum Equipment.
PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara farms 15 000 hectares of sugar cane plantations. The harvested cane feeds their three sugar mills that have a combined annual production target of 60 000 tons of sugar.
According to Bell Equipment’s Dealer Manager, Johari Ahmad, the company is one of Bell Equipment’s pioneer customers in the sugar industry in Indonesia. “In the early days, they operated 24 units of the old Bell 120A and 220A Cane Loaders infield on the plantations. All these units have served them well. In late 2022 they took delivery of the first UltECO6 and are very proud to be the first owner of an UltECO6 in Indonesia.
In its first year, the UltECO6 clocked 1 800 hours in the harvesting season and seldom stood idle. The machine operated 12 hours a day and would collect and load the cut cane into trucks by running infield between the cane rows to avoid compaction.
Johari says that people in the region familiar with sugarcane loading equipment have noted that the UltECO6 has a lot of advantages over its competitors. Mr Syafrudin, the Operations Manager at PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara, said that the UltECO6 is a great machine. He was impressed that it was able to perform in the rainy season without getting stuck, even when underfoot conditions were wet and slippery, thanks to its four-wheel drive and superior traction.
He was also pleased with the much higher production rate the UltECO6 delivered with its larger grab capacity and slew boom when compared to other loaders. “Currently, the average fuel consumption is between 5 to 6 litres an hour, which represents a considerable saving. We don’t see any reason why we should not purchase another UltECO6 to increase the efficiency and productivity of the operation.”
The Operator, Mulyadi, added that the UltECO6 is a fast machine (travel speed of 26km/h), with a larger cab and good visibility, all of which he believes makes it superior to competitor machines with similar features.
The UltECO6 has an operating weight of 7 150kg and is powered by the acclaimed JCB Diesel Max 444 T2 NA engine. The 4,4 litre, four-cylinder engine with direct injection produces 63kW at 2 200rpm while peak torque is 320Nm at 1 200rpm to provide ample muscle under load. The Slew Loader also features an onboard electronic engine protection system.
In addition, the machine features a 185˚ slew angle and a high-capacity crane with upsized cylinders and a longer reach. The 15% increase in the grab capacity and the ‘find centre’ feature on the slew increases productivity through operator ergonomics and the grab always being in the ready position. ‘Find centre’ automatically pauses the slew function at the centre for a moment so that the cab always faces perfectly forward on the return.
The innovative design incorporates safe and convenient ground-level servicing and daily checks. The condenser conveniently slides out of the way for easier cleaning of the cooling pack, and centrally positioned grease points on the boom enable access while keeping both feet on the ground. The steering, push piler and grab also share a common cylinder thereby increasing parts commonality.
Last, but certainly not least, the machine’s safety features include a slip-proof step and handrails, nine strategically positioned LED lights for 24-hour operations, large rear-view mirrors, lights to assist with visibility, and a sturdy steel windscreen guard. The machine mass has also been optimised to increase stability and reduce ground pressure for better performance in soft ground conditions.