Kongo River loads up on Bell B45E ADTs for DRC contracts
Published: 27 October 2022
Kongo River SAS, part of the Teichmann Group of Companies, has taken delivery of no fewer than twenty-six B45E Articulated Dump Trucks during 2022, which have been deployed on various contracts in the Southern Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Teichmann Group started out in plant hire in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa in 1995 and has grown exponentially in terms of its geographical footprint in Africa and the services it provides. Today the Group is a leader in civil engineering construction, contract mining, SMEIPP (structural, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation, piping and platework) construction, exploration and production drilling, and agriculture.
In terms of footprint, the group has strategically expanded throughout Southern, Central, East and West Africa and has established regional offices in many African countries and two main operating centres. Teichmann Holdings Mauritius Limited oversees the group’s Africa operations, whilst Teichmann South Africa (Pty) Ltd is accountable for all South Africa and Namibia operations.
Each company within the group is managed independently. Teichmann has been operational in the DRC since 2008 and offers services in construction and mining to that country through Kongo River. To achieve its objectives Kongo River is supported by a large fleet of Bell equipment that includes B30E, B40D and B45E ADTs, B25D Water Bowsers and Fuel Bowsers.
According to Group Plant Director at Teichmann Group, Brett Nicolay, the company chose ADTs over tipper trucks for their larger carrying capacity and their ability to work in the mining environment, which often involves working in wet and muddy conditions and climbing and descending steep ramps in and out of pits.
He explains that underfoot conditions are particularly challenging in the southern part of the DRC during the rainy season from late October to the end of March. “During this time the rain is heavy and consistent, and sites become extremely muddy as a result. ADTs become the only option for bulk earthwork requirements during this time, especially as gradients are often steep and slippery.”
Brett adds that ADTs are the ideal tool for wet weather applications because the 6x6 drivetrain runs off an automatic transmission, articulation always ensures good ground contact, and the retarder function allows for safe and controlled downhill travel.
When choosing their preferred supplier of ADTs for Kongo River, customer support was a determining factor. “We have been a Bell customer since our early days and have developed strong relationships to ensure we receive the customer support we require operating in remote environments. Kanu Equipment, who are Bell Equipment’s authorised dealer in the DRC, have continued this relationship and give us excellent support and backup.”
The Teichmann Group has traditionally used ADTs in the 40-ton class as the ideal fit to their size of excavators and bulk earthworks requirements. However, in the last few years they have migrated to the Bell B45E to take advantage of the larger carrying capacity for the relatively small price difference that translates into a lower capital cost per ton. And they haven’t been disappointed.
This cost per ton is quantified by the data collected by Bell Equipment’s proprietary fleet management software, Fleetm@tic®. “We use Fleetm@tic® daily to monitor production, fuel consumption and operator behaviour. We also use it to monitor faults on the ADTs to ensure that machines are repaired timeously to prevent unnecessary and costly breakdowns,” says Brett.
Kongo River’s ADTs all work in double shift operations and the company is impressed with both the productivity and fuel consumption of their units. “The productivity and fuel consumption has been impressive. Fuel consumption is better than expected and has led to cost savings on site while the easy to use and informative Fleetm@tic® system has added value to our business providing good decision-making data for staff both on and off site.”
With strong, reliable machines and strong, reliable support the Teichmann Group of Companies is well placed to achieve its aim of continued growth thanks to its ability to rapidly mobilise into remote and challenging parts of Africa, such as the DRC.