2nd Edition 2013
Published: 09 September 2013

Interview with Gary Bell, Chief Executive of the Bell Equipment group of companies - Pg 4
New Bell 60-ton truck proves ‘bigger is better’ - Pg 30
Bell adds larger dozers to its range - Pg 32
Bomag MPH 600 debuts for Bell at Bauma Africa - Pg 34
Keeping an eye on fuel - Pg 36
Real-time tracking for Bell Fleetm@tic - Pg 38
Bigger B50D Ejector to be unveiled at Bauma Africa - Pg 41
Bell gives focus to new Finlay partnership - Pg 42
AARD adds powerful dump truck to its range - Pg 44
Serving all industries with distinction - Pg 46
Ushering in a new era of ADT innovation - Pg 50
Willa Boom Trust reaps fruit of Bell TLB - Pg 52
Bell invests in education with new computer lab - Pg 54
Bell service meets the grade for C.A.T.S. - Pg 56
First Bell E-series delivered to Ballito Crushers - Pg 58
West Rand Plant dines out on large E-series order - Pg 60
Bell takes pride of place at Top Gear - Pg 62
Bell bullish about government’s infrastructure initiatives - Pg 64
Bell returns to U.S. market with new dealer network - Pg 66
Accolades for Bell at Premier Business Awards - Pg 67
Bell beefs up RJV Fleet ‘Down Under’ - Pg 68
Bell Russland makes a strong impact at trade shows - Pg 70
More awards for Bell at the Royal Show - Pg 71
Bell test track rehabilitated with Bomags - Pg 72
Bell Promo Shop - Pg 74