Global ADT - 1st Edition 2019
Published: 01 August 2019


Much of our news in this edition is attributed to Bauma Munich in Germany, which took place in April and always provides a sound platform to introduce new ADT innovations to our global target audience. This year was no different as we showcased our B45E 4x4 and announced the upcoming Mark 3.0 upgrades to our E-series range. It was also rewarding to see the wonderful turnout by our customers and dealers and experience the upbeat environment.
You will also read that the expansion of our factory in Eisenach-Kindel, Germany is nearing completion and is a direct consequence of the widespread acceptance of our E-series ADTs in North America and Europe. This investment demonstrates our commitment to be a truly global manufacturer and aims to enhance our flexibility, enabling us to respond more efficiently to customer requirements.
We, at Bell, have always maintained that our machines are built to withstand the world’s harshest operating environments and passionately stand by our motto of ‘Strong Reliable Machines, Strong Reliable Support’.
We are therefore excited by news of a fleet of 45 x D-series trucks working on a construction site in Kuwait. Since commencing work in 2007 the fleet has clocked up almost 3 million hours - a great testament to the longevity that can be achieved by Bell ADTs and a story that speaks to the value of regular and proper maintenance.
In closing, Bell Equipment was awarded Exporter of the Year Award (Large category; turnover >R200 million) at the inaugural Exporter of the Year Awards for capital equipment manufacturers held in Johannesburg at the end of May.
The award organisers commended the winners for their sterling efforts “in putting South African manufacturing on the map” and, on behalf of Bell, I would like to thank our customers for having confidence in our products and for your ongoing support of our brand.
Leon Goosen
Group Chief Executive Officer

Bell celebrates another successful Bauma - P6
Bell – the complete ADT solutions provider - P8
Global launch of the Bell B20E LGP - P10
Bell development to ring in German manufacture - P12
OEM flexibility and speedy response seal new contract for Burma - P14
Bell Bowser settles the dust for Green’s Haulage and Plant - P17
Bell B20E builds a strong reputation at Danish tile and brick works - P18
BMH loads up on B30Es for Mozambique coal contract - P20
B40Es are the best choice for BB Transport - P22
Middle Eastern Bell fleet draws close to racking up 3 million hours - P26